Friday, March 27, 2009

So much Pressure for a first Post... Geeze..

So, I made it on April and Amy's top three for wanting a blog, didn't make THE top spots... but nevertheless I'm up there. So for my first post I put Tim and I's picture up because if you know me, you know Tim, we come as a package. Not much is going on, this is probably the worst time to post something because I have no original subject matter currently. However, I will leave you with these thoughts:

1. I am taking the Crown Financial bible study and Chris Adams and his wife are on it, and I feel like he could be the most famous person I know right now...

2. I made made mom's spaghetti for Tim's grandparents, it was so good having them over, and they thought I was a cooking pro.

3. I am very frustrated right now because I cannot find anything to wear to New York in my closet and I know my family will upstage me anyway!:)

4. I feel like I am an extremely blessed and fortunate person and I want to give Christ all the glory and honor for that.

k, hope you liked it, I will have more things to say later!


  1. Oh, LaurieAnn! You are a classic! I LOVE your first post and think you are a blogging queen! I can't wait to see you in NY! You will look fabulous - just wear any of your snazzy shoes....who cares what the outfit looks like, right? It's the shoes that count! :)

  2. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! LA IS A BLOGGER!!!!!!!! Amy and I read your blog out loud at dinner (from my phone) and we were so excited!! :)

  3. Loved it! And I don't know what you're talking about as far as clothes are always on the cutting edge of fashion, plus I'm will all look better than me=) HAHAHA!

  4. Oh my goodness! You are now blogging and I am so excited! How funny that you are mentioned in the post I JUST posted 5 minutes ago! I am going to have to go update it with a link to your blog. =)

  5. LAURIEANN IS BLOGGING! OMG I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED. Avocadocore all the way. I will now take your name off the list people whom I think should blog because you ARE BLOGGING NOW! I mean this when I say I am most likely the most excited person in the whole wide world that you are blogging.
    Can't wait to see you in T-3 weeks!

  6. PAL! you are too cute with your new blog :) This must be the new thing to do or something because I just started our family blog too! I am really jealous how you made yours soo cute though! How did you get such a great background? tell me the tricks! miss you! xoxo
