Thursday, December 31, 2009

Reflections while waiting for 2010...

So I have about 32min left in the year, and I figure while I wait in a chair, all family sleeping except for me (it wouldn't be as much of a big deal if it weren't for the fact that we are ushering in a new decade) I decided to make the time count and blog about my year in review...

Favorite things I have done:

Lots of surprising Tim and I have done this year. Earlier this year we flew up to New Hampshire to surprise Mom and Ed for their 15 year anniversary and then to my family's house for Christmas just in time for our Christmas Eve get-together. Both were fun events and Tim and I truly enjoy getting together with both of our families and spending time together.

GA/FL game. Game, not so much fun, seeing my beloved Dawgs get pummeled is not easy to take, but playing ultimate Frisbee and getting together with most of the family at Amelia Island and spending some good quality time together is priceless.

Jersey Shore. Too much fun. Different beach, I have never "chilled" at any beach farther north than South Carolina. So, although the water was a bit colder than my body is used to, the Jersey Shore is amazing. Board walk, unforgettable, especially getting to ride our bikes through it during the day. Even on the rainy days, we had fun playing board games or putting together a puzzle. And the food, oh my goodness the food!! Vic's, Kelly's Tavern, Uncle Nick's (just guessing on this one) and an amazing seafood place who's name I cannot think of at this time. These four days were jam packed and we look forward to more of them!

There are more, we spent an amazing week in Houston, so graciously hosted by Tim's Aunt Meg and Uncle Jon. And there is always the Amelia trip, I look forward to reinstating the yearly trip, so much fun relaxing and playing endless games of volleyball with you crazy folks.

Favorite Music that has gotten me through the year:

1. How He loves Us (David Crowder version)

2. Perfect People- Natalie Grant

3. Surely We can Change - David Crowder

4. Give me Your Eyes - Brandon Heath

5. Fifteen- Taylor Swift (oh how I wish she would have been around when I was in middle school!)

6. Words I would Say- Sidewalk Prophets (the whole CD is amazing)

7. Soundtrack to Fireproof - So glad that Stephen and Alex had the courage to put a movie out that spoke so honestly about marriage and its importance.

8. I'm just going to say the WHOLE CD of Church Music by David Crowder, LOVE his lyrics.

Favorite Quote by Pastor Johnny:
"You are going to end up where you are going if you do not change the direction you are heading."

And on that note, here are my goals, a "New Years Resolution" if you will for the new year:

1. Establish total discipline in spending time with the Lord, knowing him not just as my Lord, but more intimately, like a Daddy (Abba)

2. Run two miles. That's it, I'm not going for a marathon here, just two stinkin miles without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack.

3. Volunteer more at church.

4. Be a better friend. For all those that I let down, you will never tell me because you are amazing people, but unless you live with me, I have probably failed our friendship/relationship in the most terrible way. I want to be a better friend for you next year.

Ok, I think that about covers it, I dwindled the time down to less than 10 minutes until the new year. I can hear fireworks in the background. So, that probably is a good cue to go, but before I do I just want to give a shoutout to the Edfeldts, the Heil family, the McConnell family, and all of those who had a different year in that they lost some very amazing and wonderful people that are dearly missed. We long for Heaven and our great reunion.

So, I can't think of any way to end this than by leaving my favorite verse:
he LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing
Zeph. 3:17

1 comment:

  1. What a great time we had with you guys for New Years. Sorry about falling asleep before 2010 started. I guess the 5am drive up got the best of us. But, you take me as I am, thanks!!!
    I like your goals for the New Year. Reach and will do them.
