Friday, February 12, 2010


So, as you know, Valentine's Day is coming up. And I basically do not like Valentine's Day for several reasons. The main one being that I do not like that there is a day that tells me I must be romantic with and towards my husband. I will not let a person tell me that (that's probably drastic but...) much less a day. If I read the history of Valentine's Day, I believe there was a St. Valentine and he did good things for people??? Right??? Anyway, now it is just an awkward day for couples to be randomly romantic, as if they need a specific day to set aside to do that, or (and these are my favorite people because up until the year I met Tim, I never had a Valentine) a Day for single people to feel even more.

Second, this is our third Valentine's holiday together as a couple, and without going into details (it would seriously be a whole other blog) The first two have bombed. And it was not either me and Tim's fault, they just bombed. So, we decided to non-celebrate Valentine's day. So Tim did the coolest thing ever, he got us David Crowder Band concert tickets.

For anyone who knows Tim and I, we love this band. The Collision A CD is a CD we fell in love over literally. We both bought the CD's separately we would listen to the music, dissect every song, talk about it. My favorites would change to his, and he would like one of my songs. One night, we had a big hoe down in Tim's apartment with our friends to the song "I saw the light" on the CD. "Come and Listen" was played as the bridesmaids walked in, in our wedding. I mean seriously, sit Tim and I down and ask us about the David Crowder Band, and we could go on, and on and... Like, if God allows the David Crowder Band to lead some worship in a part of Heaven, I am pretty sure that is where you will find me and Tim. It's not just the music (although it is pretty awesome, ecclectic stuff) Its the lyrics. The words stated in the music are so subtle and cool when you are singing it, but when you go back and really listen to what you are singing... man, God uses his lyrics so powerfully to speak to my heart. So, yes, we love their music. It was at a concert of theirs Tim and I decided we go well together and can hang out with each other. They don't even know it, but I feel like they have just been with us since we have been married. Weird??? maybe, but true for me I guess. Anyway, you want to have a fun time, you come to a concert with us. You sing, and shout, and move your body and its all for Jesus.

So tonight we went and even stayed in line to be the last people to see them and talk with them. They are cool folks, really cool. So, I would consider this night a very non-Valentine's day date and ultimately my favorite so far. Tim did good:).

The Band, shreddin...

Us after the concert, I have no voice. Good thing you don't need that for a picture.

The band, patiently talking to everyone who came through in the line and signing autographs, they were awesome.

This is us with David Crowder himself. Very cool guy.

To close, I did actually speak with him, though I will admit I was a little nervous. I mean, God has influenced my life and and used his music in such an awesome way. I know the band are just humans, but still... I told him I loved their music and I even had one of their songs in our wedding. Mr. Crowder asked which one and I classically froze... crap what was the name of that song... I did finally answer with come and listen, but geeze.. how embarrassing to forget the name of their song that I had played at my wedding... oh well. He was so gracious, awesome people, good night!!

1 comment:

  1. What fun!!! I'm so glad you had a spectacular non-Valentine's Day!!

    We pinky swore we would not get each other anything this year. I got Josh a card from me and a card from Adelle. Josh took the pinky swear seriously. Which I knew he would.

    Oh well. David Crowder Band - a woo hoo!!
