Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meditation on Easter: Day 3

So, I am writing this late at night and I am tired from a long day and then an amazing Wed. night Bible with the ladies but I do have a good Easter meditation, it is my favorite sermon and one from my childhood I remember the most. Dr. Nelson Price preached it one Easter Sunday, and I feel it was the first time I remember paying attention to this thing called church. Pastor Price preached on the following verse:

Peter, however, go up and ran to the tomb. Bending over, he saw the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he went away wondering to himself what had happened. Luke 24: 12

Pastor price explained that, in the original Greek text, it states that the linens were folded neatly. In that day the Jewish culture, it was customary for a person who was leaving the table, if they were coming back, to fold their napkin as a sign of their return. I wonder what Peter must have thought as he entered into Christ's tomb that day. As he examined the floor to see if there were any footprints, you would think if someone stole the body the linens would not be present, and if they were they would have been strewn about the tomb. But no, there they were, laying neatly side by side. I wonder if all the things Christ said about his imminent death and Resurrection raced through his mind, maybe all the questions were lining up as he was wondering what was going on. Peter was the first to suggest they go back to Galilee after Christ had Resurrected, the place Christ had said he would be, waiting for them. He remembered, he was listening. Can you remember being so hurt from loosing someone you loved so much, that you would do anything to see that person one more time? I know a lot of people who would go to the moon if one of their deceased loved ones told them they would be there after they died.

So here Peter stands, alone in the Lords empty tomb. And as he gazes at the neatly folded linens, he smiles, thinking about Jesus and all the little things he would do alive, from washing his disciples feet to riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. And he smiles, as he thinks about the many times he had folded his own napkin when excusing himself from the table for a short while before coming back, a small gesture to assure the people at the table he will not be gone for long... And then all the Lord's comments and memories come flying into his head... He is alive, He is risen... I MUST go to Galilee to see my Lord!

Happy Easter all, and remember, the Lord not only folded that napkin for Peter, but for us also, He is risen indeed, and He is coming back for us as well!


  1. Thanks helping me to start my day focusing on Jesus and the empty tomb. And yes, He is coming back....may we never forget.

  2. Thanks LA...I'm really enjoying these=) Wish I more time to write and reflect myself. This one is my favorite thus far! =)
